Artist Statement

Irene Kordalis Pedersen has been continuing her exploration into sacred text. Seeing herself as an artist/scribe she is painstakingly transcribing three-dimensional text onto her multi layered paintings. With a large body of work, she has so far finished transcribing twenty books - mostly from the Old Testament (Tanach), with some books encompassing as many as fifty-two canvases. Presently she is working on the Book of Psalms, an eighty canvas series.

Irene’s art gives her a way to come to terms and investigate her cultural and spiritual heritage and her own place in the world. She is telling stories and seeking communion in an attempt to render the invisible visible and to establish personal meaning. Her art seeks to articulate a pursuit of identity, wholeness and freedom. She combines her passion for art and faith with her interest in Paleo Hebrew ideogramic glyphics, quantum physics, and archeology.

Irene was born in Limnes, a small village in Greece. She presently resides in Penticton, B.C. Canada with her husband and two sons. Those wishing to visit her studio and gallery please contact her at: (250)493-4753 or (250)770-1596, www.irenekordalispedersenart.com